Car Accidents, Slip and Falls or Other Accidents and Coronavirus COVID-19

Car Accidents, Slip and Falls or Other Accidents and Coronavirus COVID-19

coronavirus COVID-19

Accidents and coronavirus COVID-19 . . . After a car accident or slip and fall, or other injury producing accident, many people are taken to or take themselves to the emergency room to have their injuries assessed.  How do accidents relate to coronavirus COVID-19? It is important to remember the following guidelines when entering a hospital, urgent care facility or other public place to have your injuries assessed.

  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes
  • Wash your hands often, especially after using door handles, elevator buttons and other touchpoints
  • If you have a cough, cover your cough with a tissue
  • Cover any sneezes with a tissue
  • Throw tissues directly in the trash can
  • Wear a mask if you have a cough
  • Stay 6 feet away from a person with a cough
  • Bring hand sanitizer and/or wipes with you, sanitize your hands and wipe surfaces before eating on or touching them

Coronavirus is believed to be spread through droplets, like coughing or sneezing, which is why it is important to wear a mask if you have a cough.   

Hospitals and urgent care facilities have been taking special steps to help prevent the spread of coronavirus or COVID-19.  These special steps include additional sanitizing and providing masks for patients with symptoms like a cough.  There are few cases of coronavirus in the Philadelphia area, however, hospitals are prepared for a possible influx of patients as a result of the virus.  The CDC has prepared guidelines for hospitals to follow in caring for and preparing for patients with coronavirus, and even for healthcare professionals who contract the illness.

Contracting COVID-19 in additional to an injury from a car accident or other accident would be less than ideal, as it would generally lengthen recovery time and could postpone certain tests or treatment.  If you have been in an accident, follow the above guidelines to keep yourself healthy and call our accident attorneys if you need legal advice.  Our consultations are free to all clients.

Rizio, Hamilton & Kane, P.C., top injury lawyers in Philadelphia and its surrounding areas for over 40 years.


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