4 Non-Obvious Signs of Child Abuse Every Parent Needs to Know | Rizio, Hamilton & Kane, P.C. | www.rizio-hamilton.com

4 Non-Obvious Signs of Child Abuse Every Parent Needs to Know

When most people think about child abuse, they imagine children with large mysterious bruises. Unfortunately, the signs of abuse can often be much more difficult to spot. At Rizio, Hamilton & Kane, P.C., we don’t only act as your car accident attorney in Philadelphia — we’re also looking out for the health and safety of your children. If you have a child, make sure you know these often looked-over signs of abuse.

  • Avoidance of a particular person for no obvious reason. Abused children often do anything they can to avoid adults who are abusing them. If your child vehemently opposes spending time with a teacher or caretaker, ask them why.
  • Fear of going to daycare or school. Most kids have days where they’d much rather be at home playing or watching cartoons than going to school or daycare. But if your child always shows signs of fear or extreme distress before it’s time to leave, it might be because he or she is suffering from abuse.
  • Withdrawing from friends and close loved ones. Children who have recently begun being abused often show extreme changes in their behavior. If your child suddenly stops wanting to spend time with his or her friends, play their favorite games, or visit their relatives, sit down with your child and ask what’s been going on.
  • Seeming jittery or easily startled at all times. Children who are being abused often seem as if they’re “on edge” all of the time. If the child has a teacher, caretaker, or relative that’s prone to violent outbursts, he or she might jump or startle very easily due to conditioning learned from the abuse.

No child should be robbed of a happy, innocent childhood. If you believe that someone has abused your child, know you have options. At Rizio, Hamilton & Kane, P.C., we fight for the justice that your child deserves. To learn more about our child abuse and birth injury lawyers in Philadelphia, call our office today. 


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